We care about the availability of a variety of environments where the system functions. Still, there are some important differences between them to keep in mind.
Live environment
This is the place where real customers interact with the product. BN Digital's engineers have no direct access to it, following the leading data security, privacy, and engineering practices.
The Live environment is always operated and managed by the client side.
BN Digital does not bear the responsibility for:
- Availability and operations that happen in this environment.
- Any non-functional requirements not met if they occurred by the environment.
Staging environment
This is the place where stakeholders can experience, test, and verify the result safely without impacting real customers.
Staging environments could exist both on the client's and the bn's sides.
The best practice is to keep the Staging environment under the control of the client's side, simulating near-live experiences and environments.
For the client's-controlled Staging environment, BN Digital does not bear the responsibility for:
- Availability and operations that happen in the Staging environment on the client side.
- Any non-functional requirements not met if they occurred by the environment.
For the bn-controlled Staging environment, BN Digital does not bear the responsibility for:
- Any non-functional requirements not met if they occurred by the environment.
For the bn-controlled Staging environment, BN Digital is responsible for:
- Availability of the environment for a minimum of 16 working hours (client-preferred timezone) while related services are being rendered.
- Availability guarantee for the exact time frame, by the client request, if it was requested in 5 business days before the time frame start.
- Meeting functional requirements according to the documentation, project phase, and engineering process.
Dev/QA/local environment
This is the place where the internal team tests and verifies the draft results. Engineers deploy outcomes here when they are confident that the software piece works as expected. After the quality assurance team sign-off, BN Digital's engineers deploy outcomes to staging.
Dev/QA/local environments are hosted, managed, and operated by bn's side. Those environments are intended to serve internal bn's needs, so BN Digital bears no responsibility to keep them alive or working correctly.