
It all starts with the idea that propel companies forward. We uncover huge opportunities, risks, and answers for new and existing challenges.

Business and market research

We will embark on research in order to determine the target audience and their needs, main product structure, define major risks and opportunities.


Surveys, Personal interviews, Observations, Secondary research, Business model canvas, Strategy map canvas

We will

  • Create an audience profile
  • Define the business model and revenue streams
  • Create a SWOT analysis of the business model
  • Offer business strategy and execution methods

What you get

  • The ideal customer profile report in .pdf
  • SWOT analysis report in .pdf
  • Business model in .pdf
  • Market research in .pdf

Customer analysis

We will define customer profiles, their ecosystems, habits, journeys, and needs, based on that we would simulate the behavior and expectations.


Surveys, Personal interviews, Jobs-to-be-done, Human-centered design, Lean UX canvas, 4Ds framework

We will

  • Define core audiences
  • Create customer profiles
  • Build user journeys

What you get

  • The ideal customer profile report in .pdf
  • User journey diagram in .pdf
  • Ecosystem map in .pdf

Concept exploration

We will conceive several logical concepts and definitions for the product that would fit the market and satisfy user needs and great expectations.


Jobs-to-be-done, Human-centered design, Lean UX canvas, Value proposition canvas, 4Ds framework

We will

  • Define a unique selling proposition
  • Uncover possible technical constraints
  • Envision main user interactions and values
  • Offer monetization, engagement models

What you get

  • Ideal customer profile report in .pdf
  • Entity relation diagram in .pdf
  • Software architecture overview in .pdf
  • Basic features list in .xlsx

User experience research

We will study target users and their requirements, add sensible contexts and insights to uncover their challenges and design opportunities.


Surveys, Usability testing, Personal interviews, Jobs-to-be-done, Human-centered design

We Will

  • Analyze existing data and statistics
  • Determine what is relevant for users
  • Create user journeys
  • Expose potential UX pitfalls and crucial moments

What You Get

  • UX research report in .pdf
  • User journey diagram in .pdf
  • Accessibility (WCAG 2.1) report in .pdf

Identity and Branding

We will proceed into the awesome individual style and unique visual distinction development that will make up the new brand identity of the product.


Surveys, Personal interviews, Observations, Secondary research, Business model canvas, Strategy map canvas

We will

  • Create audience profile
  • Define main entities and parameters
  • Envision products entity relations diagram
  • Create a SWOT analysis of the business model
  • Offer business strategy and execution methods

What you get

  • Brandbook and styleguide in .pdf
  • Logo assets in .png and .svg
  • Brand usage examples in .pdf
  • Printing collaterals in .pdf and .tiff

Let’s work together.
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